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Configuring Web Adapters


A web adapter can be associated with one or more email channel.

Configuration of web adapters is carried out in the Web Adapters configuration interface.

RPI supports the following types of web adapter:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics adapters allow you to collate metrics gathered by Google based on the behavior of a contact witnessed at a website. Navigation to such a website must be effected from a hyperlink in a communication received via an email channel associated with a Google Analytics adapter. The metrics thus collected can then be viewed as results at the Results Window.

Google Analytics adapters allow you to specify metrics and goals using Google Analytics keywords. Results gleaned by Google in accordance with website visitors’ behaviors can be tracked and then returned to RPI. Note that Google Analytics provides its own user interface, within which it is necessary to undertake certain configuration activities separately (see below for further information). Bear in mind when utilizing the Google Analytics adapter that provision of Google Analytics results can take a period of time of up to a few hours. Note also that Google Analytics results are augmented with RPI campaign information when a website visitor was directed to a site via an RPI communication.

You can also attach a Google Analytics adapter to a landing page. This allows you to gather Google Analytics results in respect of the page.

Web Events

Web Events adapters are similar, but collation of metrics is carried out by scripts at a website.

Web events adapters allow you to specify metrics and states that match tags configured on your website. The restrictions enforced by the Google Analytics vocabulary are not enforced – tags can be customized to your own needs. Provision of web events results is typically much quicker than via a Google Analytics adapter.

You can attach a web events adapter to a channel, allowing any URLs present in content delivered through that channel to be customized through the addition of URL parameters that identify recipients.

You can then use web events-provided custom states and metrics, as well as a suite of standard state values, to react to recipients’ actions at the website. For example, if you have attached a web events adapter to an email channel, and executed an email offer containing a hyperlink, you can then configure a downstream follow-up email to be sent on when a recipient submits a form in the web page to which she navigated via the link.

You can also attach web events adapters to a landing page. When you do so, the necessary script to manage the collation of web events states and metrics is automatically added to the landing page. Note that a web events adapter must be attached to a landing page for it to be used with web events.


PURL adapters allow you to personalize hyperlinks in an email delivered via an email channel associated with a PURL adapter.


Bitly adapters can be associated with an SMS channel, and allow URLs contained in content to be shortened using a Bitly shortening service account.

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