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File output directory

The RPI file output directory is used when:

  • Performing a data extract channel connectivity test.

  • Exporting a selection rule.

  • Executing an export within an interaction.

  • Performing file exports and imports within the File System Dialog.

  • Executing the Load Web Cache Data system task.

  • Running the audience housekeeper.

The folder in question is defined by the following system configuration settings:

  • Server configuration setting GlobalFileOutputDirectory: This setting allows definition of a single cluster-wide folder to be used by multiple tenants.

  • Tenant configuration settings FileOutputDirectoryUseGlobal and FileOutputDirectory: These settings allow the file output directory to be defined on a tenant-by-tenant basis.

If FileOutputDirectoryUseGlobal is set to True, RPI will use the folder defined by GlobalFileOutputDirectory. If FileOutputDirectoryUseGlobal is set to False, RPI will use the folder defined by FileOutputDirectory.

On installation of a new RPI tenant, if GlobalFileOutputDirectory has been configured, setting FileOutputDirectoryUseGlobal will be set automatically to True. If not defined, FileOutputDirectoryUseGlobal will be set to False, and FileOutputDirectory set to the default value 'C:\RPI\[tenant name]\FileAssets'.

If FileOutputDirectoryUseGlobal is set to True, and GlobalFileOutputDirectory is not set, FileOutputDirectory is used instead.

If FileOutputDirectoryUseGlobal is set to False, and FileOutputDirectory is not set, files are written to C:\. The same happens if both GlobalFileOutputDirectory and FileOutputDirectory are not set.

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