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The Median macro finds the median value of up to four Value fields. You may optionally specify up to four Key fields.

If you do not specify any Keys, the macro outputs one record containing the global median of each Value. If you specify one or more Keys, they define groupings, and the macro outputs one record per group, with each record containing the median of each value within that group.

Median macro configuration parameters

The Median macro has a single set of configuration parameters.




Optional key fields to define groupings in the data. The macro will output one record per group, with each record containing the median of each value within that group. You may specify up to four key fields.

  • Default: blank


Fields for which the macro will find median values. You may specify up to four value fields.

  • Default: blank

Configure the Median macro

  1. Select the Median icon.

  2. Go to the Configuration tab on the Properties pane.

  3. Optionally, select Key1 and choose a key field to define groupings in the inputdata. The macro will output one record per group, with each record containing the median of each Value within that group. You may specify up to four key fields.

  4. Select Value and choose the numeric field for which to find the median value. You may specify up to four value fields.

  5. Optionally, go to the Execution tab, and then set Web service options.

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